
Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Sweet Birthday Boy!!!

I can't believe that our baby baby boy is ONE YEAR OLD!!! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing Halle up to the hospital to meet her new little brother, and then bringing Cason home to meet the rest of the fam (Hogan)!!! He has been such a joy in our lives, and makes us laugh so hard every day--we are eternally blessed by him, and can't imagine our lives without him!! Cason is already such a great brother to Halle, and this boy LOVES to eat!!! :)
Thank you Lord for sweet Cason:)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lots of updates

Since I don't ever seem to keep up with my blog updates, I have to put a lot of events into one posting :) sorry! but these are some hilarious and cute (I might add) pics of our life lately :) First of Halle and I making Valentine cookies (all she wanted to do was eat the icing and the sprinkles straight out of her hand--hence the icing face :) but we had a ball (as usual)! Cason LOVES sugar cookies (not surprisingly, since the boy eats almost anything!) Then of us going to the park (how sad for poor Cason that it was his FIRST time in a BUCKET swing) but he LOVED it! He giggled the whole time :) (the video is at the very bottom of the post). There are also pics of Halle at her little "dance" class (moms and tots) that we have SO much fun doing! She loves to wear her tutu!

My sweet family!!!

Halle thinks she is such hot stuff since she knows to ride all the slides now (LOVES this one)--she has gotten very brave since starting school :) and playing on the playground
Poor little Cas wants to walk SO bad!

Halle's new Barbie sunglasses--TOO COOL

She LOVES her new rainboots from Grandmommy for Christmas--wears them EVERY time she is outside (whether they are necessary or not!)